Friday, August 13, 2010

"If You Are On A Cell-phone You Will Not Be Served."

About four years ago, fed up with being treated like an ATM by the pinheads on their cellphones, I put up this sign at the video store. I also posted it on Photobucket, emailed it to a few fellow retail-monkeys, put it on my MySpace page (This pic is a later one, but shows the original sign in its original place: ).

Last night I went to the midnight premiere of "Scott Pilgram vs the World". I'm a big fan of the director Edgar Wright, and the early reviews were great, so I decided to catch it early.

About 10 minutes into the film the Scott character gets a call from his bitchy sister Stacey, who works as a barista. Something in the background catches my eye; look at the sign over her left shoulder:

And for easier comparison:

Four years after putting this up out of frustration with shitty customers it works its way to Hollywood, where some set designer/art director decides it's a good background sign for a bitchy barista....



none said...

not the same sign, its a paraphrase and only STARTS with the "if" so it seems the same, but upon closer examination, some of the words/order are different.

and by the way, the closest you ever came to Hollywood was when you starred in a psychotronic short film called "Fear of Lemonade".
You were awesome!

That film is getting you laid, right?

Unknown said...

This is a lobby shot from Universal; on the big screen it's much more obvious.

And it's not a 'paraphrase'. The only difference in the text is "using your" instead of "on a".

Plus 3 of the the line breaks are the same: "If you...", "you will...", "be served."

Plus the font is a similar Medium Type sans serif. Plus the vertical layout, the single-line border, the scale.

I will be the first to admit it's possible this is just a bizarre coincidence, but come on, it's the internet. Shit spreads.

luckinflux said...

Leave it to Brian to try to steal your thunder while plugging his crappy movie!

Unknown said...

I know, right?