A few pictures from last weekend at the Fremont Solstice Parade:

Under Washington State’s Indecent Exposure Law public nudity in itself is not illegal. The law specifies that “A person is guilty of indecent exposure if he or she intentionally makes any open and obscene exposure of his or her person or the person of another knowing that such conduct is likely to cause reasonable affront or alarm.” (Also, the city of Seattle doesn't have any laws regulating nudity.)
Meanwhile, that Friday night the club 'El Corazõn' on Capitol Hill was hosting the "Air Sex Championships".

"It’s a lot like Air Guitar, but instead of rocking out with an imaginary guitar, you’re making sweet and/or filthy love with an imaginary sex partner.
"The only rules we have are the laws laid down by the state we’re in. Since El Corazõn serves alcohol, you can’t get naked. And since they serve food as well, all orgasms have to be simulated.
Other than that, you’re free to do whatever it takes to impress the judges, the audience in the theater, and the world!"
(Here's some photos from that night's contestants, courtesy of 'The Stranger'):
So in Seattle you can be naked in public as long as it's not for any sexual reason, or you can be as sexual as a fake-orgasm can be, in public, as long as you're fully clothed.
Not exactly sure what that says about us, but I'm sure it says something....
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