From '':
Swine Flucation
The time spent not at school or work due to the closures caused by the Swine Flu scare. Can be used with any virus, e.g., Bird flucation, regular Flucation, etc.
"We have nothing planned for the kids during their Swine Flucation, since the school's closed."
Swine Flew
Reference to the Swine Flu epidemic and the common phrase "When Pigs Fly" in relation to certain preceeding events.
"First the U.S.A. got a black President; and then swine flew!"
Swine-co de Mayo
The new 'Cinco de Mayo' Celebration in the USA for this year, especially in sunny San Diego, CA.
"Dood, let's grab some pork 'carnitas' and a sixer of cold Dos Equis. It's 'Swine-co de Mayo'!!!
Someone who is an expert on the subject of Swine Flu.
"I wish I knew how this flu is worse than a traditional flu. I need to speak to someone who is Swinefluent."
Describes the over-the-top scaremonger media coverage induced panic over the "dangerous" and "deadly" "pandemic" of swine flu. See also - aporkalypse
"We're all going to die of swine flu! It's the swinepocalypse!"
"Dude, I can't believe school is closed because of this bad ass swinepocalypse!"
and my personal favorite:
Swine Media
A general reference to all members of the media (press, radio, TV, Internet) who play on public emotions to turn a minor event into a global crisis... typically with minimal, if any, actual facts or data.
"John Stewart did a great spoof on the swine media last night on the Daily Show. After showing some clips as examples, he mentioned that he's secretly working on a cure for "raccoon flu" in his basement lab. He says there's more money in developing cures for diseases before they exist! Brilliant!"
And not cited, but related entries:
Swine Jew
Swine Flu Boner
Swine Whiner (which obviously should have been contracted to 'Swhiner'....
Who’s Not Cool With AC?
3 months ago
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