I can't really put my finger on why this news delights me so much, which means I'll probably never be able to explain it adequately to others. Suffice it to say this is a magical piece of information to me, and it's the kind of ridiculous trivia that takes some of the sting out of being alive.
Milky Way 'Could Taste Of Raspberries'
Astronomers testing a giant dust cloud at the heart of the Milky Way have found that it might taste of raspberries. Really!
Radio Astronomers in Bonn, Germany, were searching space for evidence of amino acids – the basic chemicals from which life is created. Despite failing to locate any such aminos, they did find a substance called ethyl formate, the chemical responsible for the flavour of raspberries.
Milky Way tastes of raspberry and rum
The centre of our Milky Way galaxy tastes of raspberries, say astronomers — and smells of rum. Scientists searching for life’s chemical building blocks found a molecule responsible for the fruit flavour. The ethyl formate also has a whiff of the Caribbean drink.
Complex organic molecules detected in interstellar space
Two of the most complex molecules ever found outside the solar system have been turned up by astronomers peering into Sagittarius B2 (Sgr B2), a massive, vigorous star-forming region near the heart of the Milky Way.
In an interview with the Guardian, (Belloche) noted that ethyl formate is present in raspberries. The chemical "does happen to give raspberries their flavour," Belloche told the newspaper, "but there are many other molecules that are needed to make space raspberries. At the very least, ethyl formate makes space smell nice, the chemical has a pleasant, fruity odor."
Who’s Not Cool With AC?
3 months ago
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