Came in the mail to the video store I manage. From the "Washington Labor Law Poster Service", in Olympia, WA. Presorted & postage paid, so no stamp or cancellation, and printed in close to the same green ink as used by the Washington State government. Even their logo is similar to the Washington State Seal. All looks very governmental.
The smaller print on the envelope reads "DATED DELIVERY — DO NOT DESTROY" and "Updated Information Enclosed — 2009". I could tell it was junk, but I was curious enough to open & read it.
Turns out it's a variation on an old trick, the False Agent con (think of somebody pretending to be a Health Inspector in order to get a free meal at a restaurant, or a Game Warden who's willing to let you keep all the fish you've caught today provided you pay for your 'Limit Extension Permit' right now, that sort of thing.)
You can click on the picture to read a full size version of the letter if you want:
Some highlights:
"State and Federal Law requires Washington employers to post the following notices at most work sites."
"An employer found to be in violation of State or Federal Laws by willfully failing to post up-to-date OSHA posters may be subject to monetary penalties of up to $7000, as well as exposure to civil liability actions."
—Also true, though I've found no documentation that supports the phrase "exposure to civil liability actions". The $7000 fine, yes, but the only other penalties are for deliberate actions or failures-to-act that lead to injury, loss, death, etc.
The letter goes on to list six different posters the State of Washington requires (Rights as a Non-Agricultural Worker, Unemployment Compensation, etc.), as well as six Federally required ones (Family and Medical Leave Act, UPDATED Federal Minimum Wage Act, etc.).
Never fear, however, as compliance with these requirements "may be achieved by responding to the order form below. PLEASE RESPOND TODAY TO THE ENCLOSED."
Thanks Wash. Labor Law Poster Service!
The Complete set of Federal and State goes for $59.50, or you can get the State set alone for $49.50 or the Federal set for only $24.50.
Or, as anybody who's ever worked can tell you, just get these posters for free from the respective government agencies.
Presumably enough people send them money they can stay in business & keep mailing these 'notices' out, but what about the people who figure out they've been swindled? What keeps this scam from being illegal?
Two little sentences in the middle of the letter that you could (understandably) miss, or at least misinterpret:
"The Washington Labor Law Poster Service is a non-government organization providing mandatory workplace posters and does not have a contract with any government agency. Certain posters may also be available free from the issuing governmental agencies."
Well played, WLLPS.
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