"Eight Wednesdays, July 30-Sep. 17, 7-9pm Instructor: Matt Obst Tuition: $230 WigglyWorld Members / $260 General Public Max Attendance: 8"
"Whether you want to pitch your film to Hollywood or make an independent feature, you will learn the details of script formatting, story structure, character development and dialogue, while working in small groups and individually with the instructor to complete a feature-length screenplay in only eight weeks. The only pre-requisite is you come to class with an idea for a feature film."
I thought about taking this class for a year or so. Signed up for it a couple of months ago, probably my (then) upcoming 20-year High School reunion spurred me to finally get around to it.
First class was last night; for the first time in about 18 years I have homework. It's not especially hard work, though it is creative work. And the old noodle is a muscle I've not worked out much in recent years. So what does that mean?
No more drinky-winky; back on the wagon for 2 months (of course, 'on the wagon' is a relative term for me (picture a guy hanging off the back of the ol' Sobriety Wagon, laughing his ass off, waving a pint bottle around), it just means I won't be going through a bottle of gin every other day).
As much as I enjoy drinking I know it's slowed me ol' thoughts over the years, and it definitely snuffs the creativity. Drinking because you're not feeling creative is one thing, but paying to be forced to be creative and then drinking is just shooting yourself in the foot (and checkbook).
And Jamie did advise me once to "put down bottle of gin, pick up pen", I just chose not to listen to her too well at the time. So in the interest of my writing I'll be drier for the next 8 weeks.
In order to stay sane-(ish) during the coming drought I plan on having everybody in my screenplay drinking at all times. They do say 'write what you know'....
Who’s Not Cool With AC?
3 months ago
this period of abstinence doesn't include drugs does it? remember, cocaine makes you SMARTER and MORE INTERESTING.
Drugs? No.
But how many writers do you know who can afford coke?
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