Saturday, February 14, 2009

"Your people have the BEST music!"

My friend Rhett posted this on MySpace on Valentine's Day. He's gay; I'm not (though I'll admit to being open minded about the whole subject (hey love is love, no matter how you insert the batteries)). I reposted it on MySpace (with a disclaimer) because I think it captures wonderfully a truly beautiful sentiment, no matter which team you pitch for.

I'm reposting it here because I think it's a great argument for why anybody should be allowed to get married. Watch this and you'll see real love portrayed. Sure, it's acting, and sure it's overtly sentimental, but that's why it's such a reasonable argument. Real people have these real feelings, and are being denied the socially standard way of expressing those feelings, that love.

Oh, and the title for this blog is a line I use to dig at my friend Ken, who's also gay. Just in case you were wondering.

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